Recovery Resources
Treatment resources we recommend…

Books we recommend…
…to understand mental illness:
…to understand eating disorders:
…to heal, integrate, and make meaning of trauma:
…to challenge beliefs about body image:
Presentations We Recommend…
…to understand eating disorders:
Medical Consequences of Eating Disorders by Philip Mehler (YouTube)
Eating Disorders Across the Gender Spectrum: Supporting Boys and Men by Jason Nagata, MD (part of the Yoga and Recovery Symposium)
Men’s Experiences Panel: Healing from Addiction and Eating Disorders by George Mycock, James Downs, and J-P Rowley (part of the Yoga and Recovery Symposium)
Treating Black Women with Eating Disorders with Paula Edwards-Gayfield & Carolyn Coker Ross (part of IAEDP’s Psychological Treatments for Eating Disorders Course)
Treating LGBTQ+ Individuals Diagnosed with an Eating Disorder with Alyssa Kalata (part of IAEDP’s Psychological Treatments for Eating Disorders Course)
…to understand the role of yoga in ED prevention and recovery:
Yoga for Eating Disorders: The Science Behind Embodied Movement with Tracy Tylka, PhD & Catherine Cook- Cottone, PhD (part of the Yoga and Recovery Symposium)
Yogic Philosophies that Support the Recovery Path and Mindful Practice by Eddie Stern (part of the Yoga and Recovery Symposium)
Eating Disorders: How and Why Yoga Supports Prevention and Treatment by Dianne Neumark Sztainer, PhD (part of the Yoga and Recovery Symposium)
The Science and Application of Eat Breathe Thrive: A Novel, Yoga-Based Program for Positive Embodiment by Esther Estey, PhD (part of the Yoga and Recovery Symposium)
Videos We Recommend…
The Biggest Myth About Yoga and Eating Disorders (Yoga International)
How Eat Breathe Thrive Was Started (Yoga International)
What is the Double-Edged Sword of Yoga and Eating Disorders? (Yoga International)
45-Minute Yoga Practice for Positive Embodiment (lululemon)
How an Eating Disorder, Turned Researcher, Started Eat Breathe Thrive (Give Back Yoga)
Articles we recommend…
The Truth About Yoga and Eating Disorders (Yoga Journal)
Eating Disorders, Trauma and Healing (Mad in America)
The comeback story of Olympic Swimmer Dara Torres (
Tom Daley opens up about disordered eating habits and body image issues (Independent)
Podcast episodes we recommend…
Eating Disorders in Men with Dr. Jason Nagata (Conspirituality)
Yoga and Mindfulness in Eating Disorder Recovery (Eating Disorders Recovery Podcast)
Expert Insights on Yoga and Eating Disorders (Yoga Medicine Podcast)
Yoga and Eating Disorders: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (Uncovery Podcast)
Agency, Healing, and Recovery (Nourish Yoga Podcast)
What a Yoga Teacher Should Know About Eating Disorders (Where is My Guru?)